Isto Não É Um Jogo - EN Localization

Welcome to this week devblog. Today we are going to discuss our efforts in localizing Isto Não é Um Jogo for English spoken audience. After all, its the lingua franca of our little planet! 

The podcast Isto Não é Um Jogo is a programme where 3 persons discuss the relationship between games and their interpretation into movies. Although is dedicated to Portuguese audiences, when deciding in creating a card game it's also important that other audiences could also enjoy it, even if they never heard the podcast. Therefore, the card game was devised with some inside jokes, but still, people that never heard it, still can play the game without hurting their game experience. 

For example, Rui Mendes, is not a devoted man for the typical Portuguese holiday cakes. Specifically, a local Portuguese cake called "Bolo-Rei", which joins a typical cake with crystalized fruit and some dry nuts. It's really not for everyone taste. During the Podcast Rui makes that argument abundant clear and therefore, podcast audiences will know how "Bolo-Rei" is Rui existence bane. However, what about who doesn't know the costume and Rui palate?  

Doing localization is always a though assignment. How can you delivery the same sentiment, without the local context? So, in doing the card game Isto Não é Um Jogo we had to take this into consideration. Therefore, Rui statement was localized, so that even audiences unfamiliar with this tradition, or argument, would still understand the sentiment. 

Long story short, Rui card statement was localized to refer that "Your argument is worst than Holiday cake" and everyone can understand the sentiment, without looking further in the context! This is just one example of how careful we here, and how translation and localization, although similar, aren't really the same thing.

Hope you enjoy Isto Não é Um Jogo card-game, and we will post news as development moves along. The Beta versions are already available for download, so have fun! :)


Isto Não é Um Jogo_Card 3 MB
48 days ago

Get [PT] Isto Não é um Jogo! - O JOGO

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